News & Insights


Mastering the art of high-impact eCommerce campaigns

In the ever-evolving world of digital commerce, the launch of a robust marketing campaign can propel businesses to new heights. Discover how to craft effective eCommerce campaigns in the digital age.
Product Management

Why digital commerce needs business-driven product ownership

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses of all sizes need to have a strong capability in creating and maintaining digital services that meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders.

Marketing effectiveness measurement in digital commerce: 3 points of view

The bottom line is that measuring marketing effectiveness is hard. There is no silver bullet, no one-stop shop to address each need and use case. Fortunately, constructing a workable solution is possible – it just needs a bit of time, effort, and patience. I’ll introduce my way of thinking which consists of three levels; helicopter view, street view, and the microscope.
Marketing Technology

How to cut costs in your MarTech stack

One of the easiest areas to overlook when trying to increase the profitability of your commercial operations is the cost of existing tools and platforms. The systems, tools and platforms comprise a "stack" which in simple terms can be tiered into layers of data, decisioning and delivery.
Composable Commerce

Composable Commerce vision – sell anything, anywhere, better

Let me start with a word of caution: a full-blown composable commerce architecture is not for everyone. Setting up and managing multiple services, their integrations and the resulting shopping experiences is not a journey that should be taken with light understanding of business value.

Get the most out of eCommerce with the right payment options

Payments happen as the final step in checkout right before confirming an order and letting customers know that the goods will be soon on their way. A fairly simple step at the end of the funnel – right?